Saturday, October 23, 2010

Making More "Friends" & Speed-Levelling to 21

Been busy this past week, then got down to doing up a Group for this Blog :) You can join it right here.

Meantime, from the Group and also other places, I've been asked

  • Where can I get More Ingredients?
  • How can I get Money Quickly?
  • How can I level Up Fast?
So this here is going to be The Answer to ALL of them.
And the Answer is... *drumroll*

Make More Friends
Yep, its that simple :) Restaurant City is a Social Game after all.

"But Wait a minute!" you say. "My real friends don't play Restaurant City, just a few of them and irregularly. I go to a bunch of houses, send a bunch of Crates and No One opens them!"
Well, how do I put this - Friends can be made. You can make Friends, and you can "make" "Friends".
If you still don't get it, feel free to PM me on Facebook.

"But that is too troublesome!" you say!
Well, have you considered the benefit of having multiple Restaurants sending to Each Other very consistently?
For illustration's sake, we assume every "Friend" in the Network sends a Gift everyday, you get...

  • 2 Friends : Each gets 1 Gift. Total : 2 Gifts
  • 3 Friends : Each gets 2 Gifts. Total : 6 Gifts
  • 4 Friends : Each gets 3 Gifts. Total : 12 Gifts
  • 5 Friends : Each gets 4 Gifts. Total : 20 Gifts
  • 10 Friends : Each gets 10 Gifts. Total : 100 Gifts!
This is somewhat related to the Exponential Benefit of a Network. As you can see, the total benefit of the entire group increases dramatically.

Gifting the most expensive Gift on the Free Gift list, its usually worth about 1000 Coins ; the Radioactive Table today is 1,300 Coins apiece.
That would be 130,000 Coins worth a day.
If they are all your "Friends", they can just send you the 10 Tables they get every single day. That's 130,000 / 3 = 43,333 Profit EVERY Single Day!
Pretty decent change, don't you think?

If you are going for Completing 100 over Recipes, you can send Ingredients to each other, so everyone can build up their Ingredient Stash.
If YOU are the one going for 100+ Royals, ANY ingredient will do, since you can trade for something later on.

Special Credits : To my Girlfriend who formulated and executed the above Gifting Plan, and who introduced me to Restaurant City.
Thank you for all that, and for your Regular Goth Lamps!

I suggest a group of about 10-15 Friends who regularly send to each other every single day, or even every other day.
Its very enjoyable and relaxing, and everyone gets generally pretty happy.
Even better if these Groups are separated, One for Ingredients, One for Items.
I will be aiming to set up such Small Groups on my Blog Group, so do come join us here, it'll be coming up this week :)

Please still be inviting your Friends to play Restaurant City, and also give real assistance when they do join.

The Objective is to help New Restaurants hit what I call "Cruise Mode", where the Restaurant Owner only has to log in 2-3 times a day to do 6 hour shifts and Gift Items / Ingredients once a day. This is achieved by

  • Reach level 21 to get 9 Workers
  • obtain level 10 in each of the 4 Dish Categories
Yep, it's that simple. From there, with a good layout, the Restaurant will level up very fast, gain a lot of ingredients, and hopefully be a Very Good Supporter of your Own Restaurant :).

Hence, in my opinion, this is one of the Best Times to bring new Friends into Restaurant City.
Within the Past 6 months or so, Tomato, Potato, Beef, Strawberry, Apple, Orange have all been on Free Gifts.
These are the Key ingredients to fulfilling the second objective of "Cruise Mode", which is to get 4 Dishes to level 10 in each of 4 Dish Categories.

This, combined with the following Strategy, will help you and your Friends' Restaurants take off!


Speed-Levelling - Arcades!

When I started the Blog I wrote to reach level 21 in 7-10 Days. I've since changed that, why?

The following Strategy Totally Outperformed my original Expectation, with the Restaurants reaching Level 21 in about FOUR days.
Its an Online Strategy, doesn't work if I leave the Restaurant Off, and also assumes they Royal at least 4 Dishes during this period of time.

First Up - you DON'T need to use it, if you have BOTH the following

  • You got all 4 Dishes (Starter, Main, Dessert, Drinks) at level 10
  • You got 6 workers or more
Otherwise, the following Strategy will probably help you, and here's the Step-by-Step...

1) You need Gourmet Points (GP) to level up
When you're levelling up for the first 10 levels or so, its all right to make less Coins, as you gain it back through the faster Bonus when you do level up.
You also get more Workers sooner, which makes you more Coins sooner.

2) Arcades earn more GP than Dishes
Arcades make 5.0 GP per use, Level 9 Dishes make 4.9 GP.
Hence, this will be true Until you have 4 Dishes at level 10, one each in Starter, Main, Dessert, Drinks.
Remember, don't always Rely on Arcades, since Arcades earn you GP but no Coins.

3) Max Popularity 50 requires 5-6 Workers OR Arcades
You will only get your 5th worker at level 8, and your 6th at level 10. Until then, Arcades are your best friend.

Minor Note : 50 Popularity is actually achievable with 4 Workers - have a tight layout of 9 seats, 3 Cooks, 1 Waiter, but you will probably will serve only slightly more than half. It gets worse when you have to put in a Drink Machine.

4) Less Seats = More Arcades Used
Once a Customer sits, he will NEVER use an Arcade. He either eats a Dish, giving you less GP OR leaves after waiting, giving you a Thumbs-Down.
Hence, until you Royal 4 Dishes, keep your Seats to max of 2 Seats per Stove ; 5 Seats per 3 Stoves.
This will keep your Popularity Maxed, very few Thumbs Down, and more Arcade Usage.
Don't forget to have a Janitor on Duty!

5) Serve ONLY Highest Level Dishes in Each Category
Most experienced players know this, but new players might not. So just writing here.

6) Leave Your Restaurant Online
Customers don't use Arcades when you are Offline.
That's the main Gist, the rest of 2 Bits Applies to your Dish objective...

7) Don't forget to Royal 4 Dishes!
As mentioned, you will want to keep Collecting Ingredients and Levelling your Dishes til you have at least 4 Dishes to Royal.

  • Starter - Tomato & Basil Soup (1 Tomato only) is by far the BEST.
  • Dessert - Fruit Selection (Strawberry & Apple) is good
  • Drink - Orange Juice (1 Orange only) is good. If you have supportive Friends, do Dr Pepper Float (Icecream and Dr Pepper).
  • Main - Probably the Toughest to hit level 10.Potato and Beef is good but its difficult to get Trades.
    Better to go for Dish that has less-used ingredients which few people want. If you have EXCELLENT Friend support, Salmon Sushi is the best due to the free Sushi Bar.

8) Ingredient Trading Tips
Here's a few...

  • Visit all the Restaurants on your Street to get as many Free Ingredients as Possible. When you first start out, Every One Counts.
  • Look for something someone has lots of, typically over 30-50 of the Ingredient.
  • Unless you have spoken to the person and he is supportive, usually try for Ingredients with Less Stars
  • Drop the person a Facebook Msg if the person is not Aware. RC Mailbox is bad...
Hope that helps!

So Using this Strategy, I managed to hit level 21 in just over 3 days.
This is with about 12-16 hours "online" running time for the Restaurants, and inclusive levelling 4 Dishes to level 10.
Don't believe me? Try it out yourself!


Kickstarters Give Away!

To encourage more Friends & "Friends" to play Restaurant City, I am going to do the following Give-away to help Start Folks out :

  • 6 Green Arcades : up to 8 Winners
  • 10 Tomatoes : up to 8 Winners
  • 10 Oranges : up to 8 Winners
  • 10 Strawberry OR Apple : up to 4 Winners (you can pick 6 Apples 4 Strawberries)

To Qualify, your Restaurant has to be :

  • Under level 35
  • Arcade Prize : Preferably under level 20. Lower levels more preferred.
  • Tomatoes Prize : Basil & Tomato under level 4
  • Oranges Prize : Orange Juices under level 4
  • Apples or Strawberry Prize : Fruit Selection under level 4

To participate, just join my Group for the Blog here, then comment on my Post about this Topic.
Please specify which Prize you are interested in and why you Qualify.
Each person can ask for up to 2 Prizes. You may get one or even both! Please, one PERSON per entry.

Please note after I will go look at the Restaurant before sending the Items and Trade Requests, so please make sure your MENU is easily clickable.

This is a great chance to have more "Friends" join the game.
If your Friend doesn't have a suitable Email btw, use Gmail :) its good, easy, and very fast!

Special Credits : My Blog Group was Inspired by Restaurant City Vlog and the forums' Kickstarters Project.
If you're looking for decoration help, please visit the Kickstarters thread here.

Next Week : Multi-Part Guide : Getting Started in Trading, Safely!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Return of the Coffee Bar - Money Money Money!

I don't often post a second time so close to the previous, but I just got too excited about this... so here goes :

When the Coffee Bar first hit the stores, it was all the Craze and led to what some may consider the Almond Rush.

After that, it was followed by a disappointing period where folks realised it was just a massive, overhyped stove, and even required a Waiter to attend to it. Based on at least one forum poll, most people were rather disappointed and just felt well, it'll just come and go, or remain as a big Decorative Item with minimal special Use.
Personally, I thought the last post I did with the Coffee Bar (practically only a Picture) would be the last thing I ever blogged about it.

Boy, was I wrong, and never happier to be wrong.

Congratulations to Playfish, you somehow managed to pull the act TOTALLY back together.
The last recipe, Millionaire Shortbread, not only is exquisitely nice to look at - you can see the golden leaf actually glide from side to side beautifully - it actually has the wonderful effect of causing the All Coffee Bar Dishes and Drinks to double the earnings per Customer

Yes, it may not sound like much compared to one extra Worker that many were hoping for.
But, for those disappointed because we didn't get one extra Worker, do note that
properly arranged, Millionaire Shortbread WILL make you MORE money than an extra Worker.

Running at 95 Popularity, I get about 4-6 more Coins per Minute.
This may not sound like much, but that's more than I got from using the Lounge Bar, or Items that increase Waiting Time by 1 Second.

So if you guys been wanting to get a million Coins for the Eiffel Tower (or any other overpriced Popularity item, lol)
Go Get This!


How To Arrange the Coffee Bar

To get the most Bang for Buck out of the Millionaire Shortbread money effect, we observe that :

  • Coffee Bar has the fastest Drink Machine EVER at 30% Speed
  • Coffee Bar dishes can net up to 6 coins per Dish
  • Coffee Bar cannot serve 5 Seats / Tables well by itself.
  • Coffee Bar serving 4 Seats / Tables underuses its Drink Machine.
  • Waiter gets very bored at Coffee Bar serving just 4 Seats / Tables

So, we decided to try and make the most out of the Bar (and also our Waiter), by making the following changes, and utilising our earlier 2 Cooks 1 Waiter layout (if you don't know what that is, click here ) :

  • Use the Coffee Bar to serve as 1 Stove and 1 Drink Machine
  • Place 1 More Stove so that the place can handle 9 Seats / Tables
However, the following issues will come up...

1) The Extra Stove seems to be serving more Customers
It may sound weird, but for once, do consider using a Slower Stove.

2) Keeping the Island to 3x1 allows Only 8 Seats / Tables
Note that the Coffee Bar front, with the Basket of bread, takes up 1 space
hence Hold the Ctrl button Down and Move the Stove onto the Basket, and then use the Stove's space for another Table / Customer.

So your final set up might look like this...
coffee bar layout
In the Pic, the whole Coffee Bar is raised a little off the ground, you can see that by comparing against the uppermost table. Hence, Alex's stove is actually occupying the exact same square as the Basket.
Yes, the furniture looks a little mismatched, but we just wanted to maximise our gains first, and fix Aesthetics later.

Note your Coffee Bar can be on one side of the seats, it can look more like a long Coffee bar.
But your Waiter will have to walk longer to reach all 9 Tables.

PS : if you have difficulty getting your Waiter into the Island, please look at the end of the post here


Since I did post so close to previous, just a lil note to make sure the previous Post and its Freebies are not lost, just a little note :

FREE 9 Coffee Bar Ingredients : Just add Our Profile.

Many More Happy Days in Restaurant City!
See you soon with hopefully much more Coins!

TOTALLY FREE - 9 Coffee Bar Ingredients for All!

Here's a Friend who completed ALL Coffee Bar recipes.
FREE INGs include - Milk, Cream, Coffee, Tea, Ice, Butter, Almond, Egg, Chocolate.

Just add us at the Profile here.

We'll accept your friend Requests and the Free Ingredients are yours!
Hope everyone gets your Millionaire Shortbread soon :)

Cheers, and wishing you more happy days Restaurant City!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Life without Janitors - One Extra Worker through Efficiency

First Up - To those who have been sending crates my way, sorry I have been away for a couple of days, did not expect to be this busy about a Conference, nor to spend a night sleeping in the Office, but oh well the Event was fun.

Meantime, I was a little surprised to see notes in the forum about how having enough Toilets for the Restaurant Popularity to be kept at Max. Just for the Record, I'll devote a post to clearing this thing up.

And to you that means - One Extra Worker for either Cooking or Serving

1) Only 50% of Served Customers Use the Toilet

Yes, only about One out of Two Customers who have eaten or drank, need to use the toilet. Its really not that many.

2) Max Popularity = Thumbs-Up MORE Than Thumbs-Down

Assuming you already have Max Popularity, you only need 1 or more Thumbs-Up for 1 Thumbs-Down to remain at Max.

3) Without Toilets, Two Satisfied Customer = 1 Thumbs-Up
Hence, we get...

4) Max Popularity = Two Satisfied Customer for One Thumbs-Down

"Eh, so what?" some may say.

Simply put, if you can serve 66% of your Customers, you do NOT need Toilets to maintain Max Popularity.

While you could use the layout here, the following tips from the same post should also serve you reasonably.

  1. One Stove can serve 3-4 tables effectively.
  2. A Waiter can handle 3 Stoves or 2 Stoves 1 Drink Effectively while serving 8-9 Tables
  3. Make the Islands for the Waiter Smaller, preferably 1x3.

So, there you go - Max Popularity Without Janitor!
Which also means you get One Extra Worker to Cook / Serve!


Here come some other tricky bits without Janitors

1) Use Sushi Bar & Bowling Alley / Reduce Arcades

Like Toilets, over time Arcades WILL break down. Since you have no Janitor now, you won't want to Rely only on Arcades to keep Customers Busy.

If you have the Sushi Bar, and the Bowling Alley that is no longer Breakable (ie with the Display Signs), feel free to use them.

Meantime, for your Testing Purposes, you should not include any Arcades, or block off the Arcades, so you can collect coins but Customers can't use them.

You will probably want to provide a few more chairs as well.
As a general guideline, put 3 chair/table every 10 Popularity you have, rounded up, and of course ensure there is a waiter able to serve these tables quickly.
This is roughly 1 Chair per 1 Customer Entering every Minute.

2) Junk

Junk WILL Accumulate, and quite quickly, about 1 per hour for the first 4 hours, and slightly slower after that.
Without a Janitor, there'll be little you can do, except to clear manually. To help you in this :

  1. If you Can't See a square, and its Not used for Walking / Serving, Block up the Square / Put something there so Junk can't accumulate. Candles and Water are both good.
  2. If Popularity drops more than 1.0 from Max, when it was previously fine, look for Junk
  3. Try to check for Junk every 8-12 Hours. Beyond this time, especially if you're on a 24 hour Shift, Popularity will start to drop.
  4. If you still Can't Find Junk, AND its causing your Popularity to drop rapidly, switch to a Blank Layout, clear it, then switch back

3) Raising Popularity Quickly

It is likely that there will be times your Popularity falls, could be due to switching layout to one without Obelisks, or for other Reasons.
Regardless, you probably want your Popularity back to Max before you log off, so you can make more money while Offline.

To make that faster, its good to have a few toilets, say 5-6 around. Just clean Toilets manually to make Popularity increase faster.

Once Popularity is Maxed, let the Toilets get choked again.


Ensuring it Works

So, how do you know it works / get it to work? There's only one way to be sure - TEST IT.

After you have changed your Layout to one that is relatively efficient, you should observe around 75% Efficiency, ie 3 out of 4 Customers being satisfied and giving Thumbs-Up, and Popularity is Maxed. At this point you can start to test.

  1. Clear the Junk / Trash in your Restaurant.
  2. Get Popularity Back up to Max, if required.
  3. Remove / Block off all Arcades and Toilets.
  4. Place 3 Chairs per 10 Popularity, rounded up.
  5. Swap your Janitor to his new Role as Waiter / Cook, if required

Let your Restaurant run for about 3-4 minutes, or longer if you like.
If Popularity drops and remains low, then your design might not be efficient enough.

Yes, don't blame the number of Toilets, think about how to Tighten the Design as per the Tips above.
If it still doesn't work, stick closer to the Layout/Tips here.


Well, that's about it, hope that helped you understand better and hopefully, get an Extra Worker by Converting your Janitor!

Cheers and Happy Halloween! :)